Colorful freshwater fish
Colorful freshwater fish

colorful freshwater fish

There are countless species of aquarium fish to choose from and, by doing a little research, you can find many choices that are naturally colorful.One thing many aquarists focus on when setting up an aquarium and picking fish to stock it with is color. Discus fish, a type of cichlid, have actually been described as some of the most colorful freshwater fish, exhibiting a variety of colors and patterns including bright blue, yellow, orange, red and even pure white. The cichlid family is home to more than 2,000 different species, many of which are some of the most colorful species of freshwater aquarium fish. As for slightly larger species, many gouramis are known for their unique color like the kissing pink gourami and the dwarf gourami. In terms of community fish, guppies are known for their bright colors, as are other livebearers like mollies, platies and swordtails. These fish come in a variety of vibrant colors and they also exhibit many different tail types. If you are interested in keeping a species tank housing only one type of fish, the betta fish or Siamese fighting fish is a great option. Some aquarium fish are naturally more colorful than others so if you want to stock your tank with brightly-colored fish, try out some of these species. Doing these simple tasks will have a significant effect on the water quality in your tank. It is also wise to replace your filter media on a monthly basis and to perform weekly water changes of 10% to 20% of your tank volume. Perform weekly water tests using an aquarium water test kit to check the pH and chemical levels in your tank and record those results so you get a feel for the “normal” levels in your tank. In order to prevent this from happening in your tank it is important to keep up a regular maintenance routine to ensure high water quality. Aquarium fish that are stressed or ill are unlikely to display their optimal coloration and they may even fade in color as a result of stress.

colorful freshwater fish

If the water quality declines, your fish are likely to become stressed and may even become more susceptible to disease. As you are probably aware, water quality plays an incredibly important role in determining the health of your fish and of your tank environment as a whole. The third possible factor contributing to fading color in aquarium fish is water quality. To prevent or remedy this problem, try reducing the lighting in your tank or simply provide your fish with places where they can hide from the bright light when they want to.

colorful freshwater fish

Species of fish that are naturally found in low-light environments may fade when kept in a brilliantly-lit aquarium. This phenomenon is most commonly seen in saltwater environments but it can also be a problem in freshwater tanks where the lighting is too intense. Though inadequate aquarium lighting can have the effect of fading the coloration of your fish, lighting that is too intense may also be a problem.


Certain species like goldfish and koi actually require exposure to natural sunlight in order to develop the pigments in their skin which enables them to show healthy color. Live plants are photosynthetic organisms that require light in order to grow and thrive – while this may not be true for aquarium fish, lighting still plays a role in the development of healthy coloration. If you are an experienced aquarium hobbyist you probably understand the connection between tank lighting and the growth of aquarium plants. Another possible cause of fading color in aquarium fish is inadequate tank lighting.

Colorful freshwater fish